I've been reflecting on the season of Lent lately, and really thinking about what it means to give something up for 40 days. What are doing when we observe Lent? Why is this practice beneficial? And what fruits can it bring about in our lives?
This season, I've gathered some creative things that you can give up for Lent (not chocolate or coffee), and some creative things that you can start doing for Lent.
Because who ever said that Lent needs to be about giving something up?
The purpose of Lent is to prepare our hearts for Easter and to affirm and solidify God's reign in our lives. We can do this by giving something up. But we can also do this by adding something Christ-like to our lives. (Read more about that here. Or continue reading below for creative ideas of what to do this year.)
Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. By purchasing a product using my links, I earn some coffee money (and help pay for my kids’ lunches and soccer lessons) at no extra cost to you. I only promote products that I find worthwhile and that I think will add value to your life.
30 Unconventional Things to Give Up for Lent
- Gossip
- Shopping (everything but the essentials - buy only food, gas for your car, pay your hydro bill...)
- Television (use the time to read a book or connect with other people)
- Netflix (same)
- Driving (walk, bike, or take the bus instead)
- Criticism
- Complaining
- Pride
- Worry
- Make-up
- Unforgiveness
- Starbucks (make your own coffee and donate the difference)
- Talking about yourself (unless someone asks you a direct question)
- Skipping church
- Checking your bank account (unless you have to to pay your bills on time)
- The mirror (you're beautiful as you are)
- The weight scale (same)
- Video games/games on your phone
- Sleeping in/staying up late (use that time to read your Bible)
- Your smart phone (except for calling people - no social media, no silly cat videos - connect with real humans instead)
- Fast food
- Interrupting people
- Meat (lessen your impact on the environment for 40 days)
- Single-use plastic (same)
- All plastic (make it a challenge!)
- Checking your email every 5 minutes
- Eating out (donate money saved to the hungry)
- Caring about what other people think of you
- Worrying about money (read Luke 12:22-31)

And of course, the season of Lent doesn't have to be a season of giving something up.
While traditionally Christians have observed Lent by fasting from something, the purpose of Lent is prepare our hearts for Easter and to solidify the reign of God in our lives.
You can do this by adopting a certain practice for Lent that you may want to do just for the 40 days, or that may become a habit that you continue all year.
Here are 16 creative things that you can start doing for Lent in order to prepare your heart for Easter.
16 Creative Things to Start Doing for Lent
- Compliment someone every day (we don't do this enough)
- Donate your $
- Donate your time
- Read a book (Glory Days is Max Lucado's commentary on the book of Joshua and it will completely change your life.)
- Start a prayer journal
- Pick up a 40-day devotional (I'm doing this devotional by Rowan Williams this year, written specifically for Lent.)
- Do something nice for someone everyday
- Make something and give it away
- Be more charitable (with your money, with your actions, with your words)
- Pray more
- Invite someone new to church (every week, or however often you go - Saturday Bible studies, Friday night pot lucks....)
- Invite someone new to supper (one person every week - hospitality is very Biblical)
- Read your Bible (and find some tips on making time in your day to make this a priority)
- Adopt a child (a child physically into your home, or through an organization like World Vision)
- Invite a friend for coffee
- Bring someone a meal (this can mean a lot to someone)

Some of these creative ideas for Lent are intended to help you give up something that may be a vice, or may be leading you away from leading your best God-centered life here and now. Some of these ideas are intended to deepen your connection to God, or to do good in the world and build fellowship and community.
All of these ideas will help you to re-affirm God's reign in your life and in your heart, and to reject some of the temptations of the world, like endless social media scrolling, comparing yourself to others, and needless anxiety.