Explaining the Resurrection to My 4 Year Olds
As we approach Easter this year, I am faced with the enormous task of explaining Easter to my four year old twins. I’m not talking… Read More »Explaining the Resurrection to My 4 Year Olds
Rebecca is a mother of twins, a chaplain at a girls' school, and has experience in child, youth and family ministry. She has a PhD in religious studies from McMaster University and knows everything there is to know about the doctrine of the atonement in the writings of C.S. Lewis. (Jesus and Narnia - Hooray!) She spends most of her time writing, baking cookies, breaking up kid fights, and hanging out with kids, talking about Jesus.
As we approach Easter this year, I am faced with the enormous task of explaining Easter to my four year old twins. I’m not talking… Read More »Explaining the Resurrection to My 4 Year Olds
Back in December, I was browsing the aisles of a bookstore, looking for a gift for a good friend of mine, and sort of trapped… Read More »What God Wants Me to Do for Lent This Year
I’m writing this just a few days after Christmas, a time when it is common to reflect on the Incarnation of Jesus. But for the… Read More »Christ Our Substitute: The Value of the Substitutionary Doctrine of the Atonement