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Reading daily devotions for kids together with your family (or giving your older kids devotionals to explore on their own) is a great way to strengthen faith and get your kids thinking about how their faith impacts their lives. Here is a list of the best daily devotions for kids by age and stage, from preschoolers through elementary aged kids, to teenagers.
If you’re not already in the habit of doing daily devotions with your kids, be sure to check out How to Make Family Devotions a Habit for 5 benefits of family devotions and 10 tips to help you get your family into the habit of doing daily devotions (and getting your kids interested and engaged).
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Proverbs 22:6 says, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”
Teaching your kids about Jesus and getting them into the habit of daily devotions will help to instill good spiritual habits in your children. What we teach our kids when they’re young and still under our rooves tends to stick with them. Getting your family into the habit of doing daily devotions can help to nurture this habit of dwelling in God’s Word in your kids.
As your kids get older, they will be able to dive deeper into Scripture and apply Biblical truths in their own lives. This list of devotionals for kids is categorized by age and stage, so you can find something that speaks to your preschoolers, your older kids, and your teenagers. These devotions range from simple dinner table discussions or quick reflections to Minecraft devotions and interactive, creative ideas for family devotion time.

Daily Devotional Books for Preschoolers
Short reflections and simple Bible stories are best when looking for daily devotions for preschoolers. These devotionals are great for toddlers, preschoolers, and small kids.
My First Hands-on Bible was a favorite in our kids when our kids were young. We got to explore the stories of Scripture and the kids were encouraged to engage with the story by clapping, making noises, acting out certain parts, and answering questions. The best part: it was super simple to implement.
My First Hands-on Bible
This storybook Bible is perfect for preschoolers and young kids. This works great for family devotion times. Each Bible story is interactive, having the kids clap, play pretend, make noises, etc. along with the story. Each story is also paired with a prayer, discussion questions, an activity, and a “Jesus connection”, connecting each story in the Old and New Testament to Jesus. (This was our favourite Bible to use for family devotions when the kids were around 3-5 years old.) Grab this book if you want to teach your kids the stories of the Bible in a more in-depth manner.
Best for: hearing Bible stories in an interactive way
The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers
The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers Bible comes with a full year of devotions perfect for preschoolers, each with a Bible verse, a short, easy to understand reflection, and a prayer. Great for adding to your bedtime routine or as a morning or mealtime devotion.
Best for: being short and engaging
Veggies Tales Devos for Kids
This Veggie Tales Devotional is perfect for preschoolers. (And who doesn’t love Veggie Tales?) Each short devotion is paired with a Bible verse and a prayer, making this perfect for bedtime, mealtime devotions, or any other time that your family wants to spend some time reflecting on God’s Word.
Best for: engagement and storytelling
A Little God Time for Kids
A Little God Time for Kids is a great devotional for preschoolers, and it reinforces the message that God is loving, caring, and good. Each devotion is short (great for short attention spans), and contains a Bible verse, a reflection, and a prayer. This book starts on January 1 and lasts all year, so your kids can have fun finding which day it is for each family devotion.
Best for: reflection for little ones
Daily Devotions for Preschoolers

Very Veggie Devos for Little Ones (VeggieTales)
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The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers (Little Blessings)
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Daily Devotional Books for Elementary School Kids
Once your kids are elementary-aged, they are ready to dive deeper into Scripture and apply Biblical truths to their own lives. There are so many opportunities with this age group to explore Scripture as it relates to different topics: everything from science and nature to Minecraft.
Here are some of the best daily devotions for kids in grade 1 and older. A lot of these devotionals are great for middle school kids as well. Depending on the maturity of your children, you can always bump your preteens up to the “teen” category when looking for devotions.
Indescribable is the first in Louie Giglio’s devotional series connecting science with Scripture. This book is perfect for kids who loves science and are curious about the world around them. Indescribable covers topics like space, stars, galaxies, planets, earth, geology, oceans, weather, animals, and human beings. Each devotion includes a passage from Scripture, a reflection on the majesty of God’s creation, a prayer, and a bonus science fact at the end.
Best for: exploring the majesty of creation
How Great is Our God
How Great is Our God is Louie Giglio’s second devotional about God and science. Includes amazing scientific facts, beautiful photography, and fun illustrations. The author connects each science fact back to Biblical truths. How Great is Our God covers topics like space and time, weather, plants, animals, the human body, and more. This is the perfect devotion for any kid who is curious about the world around them and wants to dive deeper in the majesty of God’s creation.
Best for: exploring the majesty of creation
The Very Best, Hands-on, Kinda Dangerous Family Devotions
If you want your family devotion time to be more active and hands-on, then The Very Best, Hands-on, Kinda Dangerous Family Devotions is the perfect devotional for you. Take your family on grand adventures exploring God’s Word, while cracking combination locks and turning a leaf blower into a toilet paper launcher. This is perfect for high-energy kids who don’t like to sit still. Going through this devotion with your family will also make amazing memories that will help Biblical truths stick with your kids.
Best for: creating experiences your kids will never forget
Building Faith Block By Block
Building Faith Block by Block is a great devotion if you have kids who are into Minecraft. The author takes you through a Minecraft story, sharing anecdotes about his own Minecraft adventures, Minecraft tips, and real life tips that tie Biblical truths to the Minecraft theme of the day. Each day includes a Minecraft story, Minecraft tips, a Bible passage and Biblical lesson, discussion questions, and a prayer.
Best for: connecting Minecraft to Biblical truths
One Year of Dinner Table Devotions and Discussion Starters
This book of dinner table devotions and discussion starters is perfect for families with kids of all ages. Each day contains several Scriptures related to the day’s theme, a short devotion designed to get everyone thinking and talking, and discussion designed to engage even the most reluctant of participants. These devotions will help to reinforce Biblical truths and get your kids thinking about how those truths apply to their lives.
Best for: family discussion around the dinner table
Long Story Short
Long Story Short will take you and your family through the entire Old Testament in 10 minutes a day. This devotional is perfect for getting the stories of the Bible into your kids’ head and getting them thinking about Biblical truths and how they apply to their lives. Each day contains a Bible passage (more extensive then the typical single quote from Scripture in other devotionals), discussion questions, and a prayer. At the beginning of each week, there is also a fun activity to get your family engaged with the theme of the week. Each week also contains a “connect it to Jesus” passage, where the author shows how each story in the Old Testament points forward to Jesus, or how Jesus fulfills the promises made in Scripture.
Best for: going through the entire Bible in small chunks each day
Old Story New
Old Story New is Mart Machowski’s second devotional, building on Long Story Short. Old Story New will take your family through the entire New Testament in 10 minutes a day. Structured like Long Story Short, each week contains a activity that reinforces the week’s theme, and each day contains a substantial Bible passage, discussion questions, and a prayer. This is the perfect devotional for diving deep into God’s Word with your kids.
Best for: going through the entire Bible in small chunks each day
Listen Up
Listen Up will take your family through Jesus’ parables in 10 minutes a day. This family devotional provides a unique opportunity for Christian parents to help their children listen up and hear the gospel as Jesus himself shared it. Each chapter contains five nights of Scripture reading, discussion prompts, and insightful questions meant to draw kids and their parents into reflection and discussion of how Jesus’ teachings apply to their own lives. Each week also includes a suggested activity to reinforce the week’s theme.
Best for: exploring Jesus’ parables
Our Daily Bread for Kids
Our Daily Bread for Kids is a fun and engaging daily devotion that will last you a whole year. It’s simple enough to use at bedtime or as a mealtime devotion, and it will only take you 5-10 minutes to get through each session. Despite it’s simplicity, it also dives deep into the truths of Scripture and will help your kids explore God’s Word. Each day includes a Bible verse, a short reflection, life application, and a fun fact. This is a great way to teach kids about God’s character, the stories we find in Scripture, and God’s big story of creation, the fall, and salvation.
Best for: engaging kids in reflection and applying Biblical truths to their lives
Hands on Bible: 365 Devotions for Kids
The Hands on Bible devotional contains a Scripture passage, a reflection, a super short and simple activity, and a prayer. If you want something a little bit more interactive than the regular quiet reflective type of devotion, then this book could be perfect for your family. These daily devotions for kids are a great way to get your children active and engaged, and reinforce Biblical truths with fun activities.
Best for: making devotions active and engaging
Daily Devotions for School Aged Kids

Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science (Indescribable Kids)
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Hands-On Bible 365 Devotions for Kids: Faith-Filled Activities for Families
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Long Story Short: Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God
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Old Story New: Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God
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![Image of Building Faith Block by Block: [An Unofficial Minecraft Guide] 60 A-to-Z (Kid Only) Survival Secrets](
Building Faith Block by Block: [An Unofficial Minecraft Guide] 60 A-to-Z (Kid Only) Survival Secrets
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Daily Devotionals for Teenagers
Here’s a list of the best daily devotions for pre-teens and teens. Some devotionals, like the Teen to Teen books, are great for older and more mature teenagers (they talk about things like dating and lust). Others, like One Year of Dinner Table Devotions and The Jesus Centered Life, are great for the pre-teen crowd as well as your older teens.
Listen Up
Listen Up will take your family through Jesus’ parables in 10 minutes a day. This family devotional provides a unique opportunity for Christian parents to help their children listen up and hear the gospel as Jesus himself shared it. Each chapter contains five nights of Scripture reading, discussion prompts, and insightful questions meant to draw kids and their parents into reflection and discussion of how Jesus’ teachings apply to their own lives. Each week also includes a suggested activity to reinforce the week’s theme. This devotional works for both elementary-aged kids and teens who want to dive deeper into the teaching the Jesus.
Best for: exploring Jesus’ parables
One Year of Dinner Table Devotions and Discussion Starters
This book of dinner table devotions and discussion starters is perfect for families with kids of all ages – including teenagers. Each day contains several Scriptures related to the day’s theme, a short devotion designed to get everyone thinking and talking, and discussion designed to engage even the most reluctant of participants. These devotions will help to reinforce Biblical truths and get your kids thinking about how those truths apply to their lives.
Best for: family discussion around the dinner table
Teen to Teen: 365 Daily Devotions by Teen Guys for Teen Guys
Written specifically for teen guys by teen guys, this Teen to Teen devotional teaches your teenager how to deal with difficult issues and maneuver the often trying path to adulthood. Includes topics like priorities, dealing with sinful desires, shyness, lust, trusting God, and showing favoritism (plus so much more). Through the stories of others, teens see how God works in our lives when we open ourselves to Him. This is the perfect devotion for engaging your teen on issues that they are facing in their life, at school, and in their relationships. Written in a way that Biblically addresses real issues your teens are dealing with.
Best for: exploring real issues your teen is facing
Teen to Teen: 365 Daily Devotions by Teen Girls for Teen Girls
In this Teen to Teen devotional for teen girls, each day contains a passage of Scripture and a reflection written by a teenager on topics like hope, vision, worry, being a Godly friend, and so much more. Each devotion is filled with personal experiences that are relatable and heart-felt. This is the perfect devotion for engaging your teen on issues that they are facing in their life, at school, and in their relationships. Written in a way that Biblically addresses real issues your teens are dealing with.
Best for: exploring real issues your teen is facing
The Jesus-Centered Life: 40 Devotions for Teenagers
The Jesus Centered Life is an “outside the box” type of devotional, different from the typical Scripture-reflection-prayer type. If you want your teens to think about what Jesus means to them, and what it means to live a Jesus-centered life, then this may be the devotional for you. Each day contains a reflection on an aspect of Scripture (like Jesus’ parables, what it means to live a Jesus-centered life, and who Jesus says you are), life-application, and a discussion question or writing prompt. These devotions are short, colorful, and engaging, designed to get your teen thinking about what difference Jesus makes in their own lives.
Best for: exploring what a Jesus-centered life looks like
Fearless Faith: 90 Devotions for Teens
Fearless Faith is a devotional by Our Daily Bread Ministries (a fantastic non-denominational organization that publishes devotions for everyone, from kids to adults). Each day contains a Scripture passage, a short reflection, and a question or series of questions. Each devotion addresses every day issues like having doubts, doing good, sin and getting in trouble, etc. This devotion also begins by talking about what it means to have a faith that’s fearless, and what it’s like to develop a relationship with Jesus. This is perfect for your teens to go through in 5 minutes a day (or read it as a family).
Best for: connecting faith to real life
Conversations with Jesus: 365 Daily Devotions for Teens
Conversations with Jesus is a devotional written as though Jesus himself were talking to your teen. Each day contains a Sculpture passage, a reflection written in Jesus first-person voice, and a prayer prompt. This devotional is designed to help teens turn religion into a real relationship with Christ. This devotions are also super short, which is a plus if you want something that your teen can go through in just a minute or two each day. The length and format, however, does not allow for very deep reflection.
Best for: receiving short messages “from Jesus”
The Simple Truth Bible: The Best Minute of Your Day
The Simple Truth Bible is a devotional that packs a lot of content in a very small space. Each day contains a Scripture passage, a reflection, a prayer prompt, and a section called “a little extra”, which is a quick activity that your teen can do to go deeper into the day’s topic. This little book is perfect for combining brevity with depth. Your teen can go through this devotion on their own, or you can use it as a family, in just a minute or two per day – or a little longer if you want to dive deeper with the activity. Even in such a short time, this devotional covers a huge range, and depth, of topics, like sin and separation, being open with God, and valuing what God says about you over what the world says about you.
Best for: going deep in a short amount of time
Daily Devotions for Teens and Pre-Teens

Teen to Teen: 365 Daily Devotions by Teen Girls for Teen Girls
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Teen to Teen: 365 Daily Devotions by Teen Guys for Teen Guys
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Listen Up: Ten-Minute Family Devotions on the Parables
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Fearless Faith: 90 Devotions for Teens
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Conversations With Jesus – 365 Daily Devotions for Teens
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The Simple Truth Bible: The Best Minute of Your Day (365 Daily Devotions for Students)
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The Jesus-Centered Life: 40 Devotions for Teenagers
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Great information! I’m going to share this with my daughter who has a little one on the way.
Excellent! Thanks Maria. How Great is Our God and Long Story Short are our personal favourites, though that is elementary age. My kids loved Veggie Tales when they were smaller.
These look great! Some of them I’ve never heard of, so thanks for sharing. The “dangerous family devotions“ looks like one my daughter would love – will have to check it out!
I’m glad this was helpful Kara. I hope you have lots of Godly family adventures!
What a wonderful resource!
Thanks Ashley! I’m glad you find this helpful.