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Free Printable Easter Word Search

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printable religious Easter word search

This printable Easter word search makes a cute and simple addition to any lesson on the Easter story. This word search is black and white and doubles as a coloring page. It features a cute Easter scene with three women arriving at the empty tomb, greeted by an angel. The risen Jesus stands nearby, victorious over the forces of sin and death.

Use this religious Easter word search as part of a Sunday school lesson, a homeschool lesson, as part of an Easter party, a family holiday party, or just for fun. Includes words from the story of Holy Week, including Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, his trial, death, and resurrection.

In the Gospel according to Mark, we read that “When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body” (Mark 16:1). As they were walking to the tomb, they worried about who would roll the stone away. But when they arrived, the stone (a huge boulder) had already been rolled away. Mark’s Gospel tells us that the women encountered “a young man dressed in a white robe” inside the tomb, who told them that Jesus wasn’t there. “He has risen!” The women are then instructed to go and spread the good news to all of Jesus’ disciples.

We find the Easter story in all four of the Gospels, each adding different elements to the story. Matthew’s Gospel (Matthew 28) tells us that two women (two Mary’s) encounter an angel of the Lord when they arrive at the tomb, accompanied by a violent earthquake. The angel tells them the good news that Jesus has risen, and invites them to come and see inside the empty tomb. After this encounter, they hurry away, afraid yet filled with joy, only to meet the risen Jesus himself.

What we know from the this story is that the women, who were going to pay their respects to Jesus, who had died, were surprised to encounter an angel, a messenger from God, who announced the good news of the resurrection, the defeat of sin and of death, and they were instructed to go and share this good news with the world.

Want to enhance your Easter lesson with a cute word search that doubles as a coloring page? Download you free printable Easter word search right here.

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