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Outdoor Easter Scavenger Hunt and Nature Walk

outdoor Easter scavenger hunt printable

This fun and simple Christian Easter scavenger hunt is perfect for telling the story of Holy Week and Easter with kids of all ages. Includes Easter scavenger hunt clues for outside: Get out in nature and find things that remind us of the Easter story!

This also makes a great Easter egg hunt alternative for churches, or a complement to an Easter egg hunt. Have families explore the outdoors, find things that represent parts of the Easter story, and then read the Bible passages that match each clue. This scavenger hunt page also doubles as a coloring page!

Want even more fun Christ-centered Easter ideas for kids and families? Find a collection of Christ-centere Easter traditions right here.

outdoor Easter scavenger hunt

7 Different Ways to Use the Easter Scavenger Hunt

Use can use this Easter scavenger hunt in different ways, with your family, at church, as an Easter activity at school, as a homeschool lesson…. Here are some ideas to help you engage your children with the Easter story outside.

  • Use this fun Christ-centered Easter scavenger hunt to organize a Good Friday nature walk, or Easter Sunday nature walk, with friends, family, school, or church. Some years, our family has gone on a Good Friday nature walk and we have found it to be a fun activity and great way to creatively engage the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. We would meet in a park, go on a nature walk to find things that remind us of the Easter story, and then end at a playground.
  • Take photos of the items that you find or draw pictures of them on the back of your scavenger hunt sheet. Use these as a prompt to talk about the Easter story.
  • Take along a storybook Bible that tells the Easter story and read the story before or after doing the scavenger hunt.
  • Look up the Bible passages in a Bible or on your phone as you find things on the scavenger hunt.
  • Use this as a classroom activity or a Sunday school activity during Holy Week or Easter.
  • Have kids discuss what was the hardest thing to find on their nature walk, and what was the easiest thing to find.
  • Ask children and families what we learn from each of these scavenger hunt clues. They can talk about the surface level meaning, e.g. We are reminded that Peter denies Jesus three times from the three things that we found that all look the same. Or you can encourage them to go deeper, e.g. We learn that Jesus accepts us and loves us even when we doubt him, or deny him, or turn away. Even though Peter denied him three times, Jesus still build his church on Peter, “the rock”. What matters is that we keep coming back to Jesus, even with our doubts and our rebellion.

Free Printable Outdoor Easter Scavenger Hunt

Here is the PDF for your free pritnable outdoor Easter scavenger hunt. Print as many copies of these are you need, and use them to encourage kids and families to engage with the Easter story in a fun and creative way.

Download your free, printable Easter nature walk and scavnger hunt right here.

outdoor Easter scavenger hunt and nature walk

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