We made this straw and paper fire launcher for Pentecost with the kids and they loved it. After all, what’s better than coloring and launching fire?
This is a pretty simple Pentecost craft for the kids to make and then play with. By making a little paper funnel to attach the paper flame to, you can turn your paper flame into a fire launcher.
Mr favourite part of this craft is that the kids can play with it! My kids – very active boys – are not that into crafts where you sit quietly, colour something, maybe put some glitter on it, and then you’re done.
They want to jump around, play with what they’ve made, and usually throw it across the room. This is perfect for that!
How to Make a Straw and Paper Launcher for Pentecost
So….this is basically like launching the Holy Spirit, right? (Haha.)
Here’s what you need to make your own straw and paper launcher for Pentecost with the kids.
- straw (get the paper kind to make your craft more eco-friendly)
- paper
- markers, crayons, or pencil crayons
- scissors
- Cut out a flame shape from your paper and have the kids colour it in fire colours.
- Cut out a small triangle from the same paper and loop it into a cone shape. Tape your tiny paper cone closed.
- Tape (or glue) your paper flame to your paper cone.
- Straw and paper launcher complete!
Now you can push the paper cone (gently) onto the end of the straw. When you blow on the other end of the straw, it will send your paper flame flying through the air!
My 2 and 3 year old boys like it! Thank you, for sharing,
Excellent! I’m so glad. My kids loved this when they were small too.