This year for Lent, we're turning the Easter jelly bean prayer into a jelly bean jar. Each day, the kids get the opportunity to earn different colour jelly beans and then - my favourite part! - on Easter morning, the jars are topped up with white jelly beans (representing God's grace).

The Easter Jelly Bean Prayer
Here's the traditional Easter jelly bean prayer:
Red is for the blood Christ gave,
Green is for the palm's cool shade,
Yellow is for God's light so bright,
Orange is for prayers at twilight,
Black is for sweet rest at night,
White is for the Grace of Christ,
Purple is for His days of sorrow,
Pink is for each new tomorrow.

The Lent Jelly Bean Jar
Here's how we turned our jelly bean prayer into a kids Lent activity:
Each day, the kids earn jelly beans of a certain colour for certain things witnessed. They get to collect their jelly beans earned in their own jars, until Easter when they get to eat them.
Red - for sacrifices made, including letting your brother go first for something, or giving something up so that someone else would benefit.
Green - for good deeds, like bringing someone else's dishes to the kitchen, or tidying up the living room.
Yellow - for sharing God's light through kindness shown to others - a little bit different than good deeds but there could be overlap - for things like complimenting someone, sharing, helping, etc.
Orange - for each bedtime prayer said.
Black (we substituted blue M&M's, since my kids don't like black jelly beans) - for going to bed without a fuss.
White - these are reserved for Easter morning. The kids don't earn white jelly beans, but on Easter morning, their jars are topped up with white jelly beans, representing the grace of God.
Purple - for apologizing when they hurt someone (physically or for hurting feelings).
Pink - for forgiving someone (whether they apologized to you or not).
I think my favourite part of this Lenten jelly bean jar is the white jelly beans (we have some white chocolate eggs too!) on Easter morning. While God wants us to help others and do good deeds, it isn't ultimately those things that redeem us. We don't earn our way into heaven. Salvation is a gift of God's pure grace. He tops up our deficiencies and fills us to the brim, just like our jelly bean jar.
You can get a copy of the Jelly Bean Prayer | Lenten Sacrifice Jar printable here. (This includes instructions for your jelly bean jar for Lent and an Easter treat bag topper.)