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The Lord’s Prayer Bracelet (or Keychain) Craft for Kids

The Lord’s prayer is the one prayer that Jesus taught us specifically to pray. This cute Lord’s prayer bracelet craft (which can also be a keychain craft) is a great way to teach kids to pray the Lord’s prayer and also a great tool for teaching how to pray. You can use this craft for youth as well (especially the keychain).

This craft is a simple kid-friendly version of Christian prayer beads. Many different types of Christians use prayer beads. Catholics pray with rosarys. There are Anglican prayer beads for Anglicans (also called Episcopalian in the United States and Church of England in Europe). There are also various other sorts of Christian and Protestant prayer beads. Making prayer beads is a great way to use your body in prayer and have something tangible to help you focus on your time spent with God. Prayer beads can also be a lovely reminder to pray and a reminder of special people in our lives and people we have been asked to pray for.

This Lord’s prayer bracelet and keychain craft also comes with a free printable that teaches kids how to pray the Lord’s pray through color coded beads. There are printable cards and bookmarks. Both match the bracelet and the keychain. (Scroll all the way to the bottom of this post to get the free printable.)

Lord's prayer beads craft with printable

The Lord’s prayer printable that we used with this craft includes the contemporay translation of the Lord’s prayer. This craft can easily be done with the traditional, or KJV, translation as well. This is the text of the Lord’s prayer that we used:

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

Lord's prayer bracelet and keychain craft

How to Make a Lord’s Prayer Bracelet Craft

This craft is really simple, and great for kids who love beads! To make a Lord’s prayer bracelet, you simply follow the colors that match the prayer and sting the beads. We included a handful of white beads on either side of our colourful beads to make them stand out. Use more white beads for bigger wrists.

The order for the beads on the bracelet is: white (or other color) beads as “extras”, blue, purple, green, yellow, pink, orange, gold, white (or other color) beads as “extras”. Each colored bead represents part of the Lord’s prayer.

Blue bead: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

Purple bead: your kingdom come,

Green bead: your will be done, on earth as in heaven.

Yellow bead: Give us today our daily bread.

Pink bead: Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Orange bead: Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil.

Gold bead: For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

Each color of bead represents a part of the Lord’s prayer. Blue can remind us of heaven. Purple stands for royalty. Green is the color of nature and the earth. Yellow reminds us of wheat. Pink is for the love we show to others. Orange represents caution and danger. Gold represents God’s kingdom. Making your bracelet color coded helps in remembering the parts of the prayer.

The Lord's Prayer keychain and bracelet craft

How to Make a Lord’s Prayer Keychain Craft

This Lord’s prayer bead craft also makes a great keychain! When I led this craft with a group of children, I made myself a keychain that hangs on my purse. It’s a great reminder to pray throughout the day.

When I started this keychain craft, I originally just had the seven colored beads for the Lord’s prayer, but then I decided that I liked how it looked better with a white bead at the top and the bottom.

To make the Lord’s prayer keychain, you follow the same instructions as for the bracelet, but you may want fewer (or no) white beads, and instead of just stringing the beads on a single strand, you string them differently.

  1. Place the first bead (a white bead or the gold bead) on the string.
  2. Take the second bead and thread one string through the bead on one side, and the other string through in the opposite direction.
  3. Continue step #2 until complete.
  4. Fasten off and tie onto a keyring.

Download your free printable Lord’s prayer bookmarks and cards that match the Lord’s prayer bracelet and keychain craft here.

6 thoughts on “The Lord’s Prayer Bracelet (or Keychain) Craft for Kids”

  1. I love this my small group is mentally challenged adults and I think this will be great for them to learn and make.

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