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The Skittles Prayer + Other Candy Prayers for Kids

jar of candy on a table

We love the Skittles prayer in our house because it’s a great way to encourage kids to lift up their concerns to God. Plus, it involves candy.

Now I feel that I need to add a disclaimer here: the Skittles prayer is not the only prayer we do in our house. And it is also not the one we do the most often. I very deliberately try to teach my kids that prayer can take many forms, and that most of those forms do not involve candy.

That said, however, the Skittles prayer and other candy prayers are great for kids’ ministry, for when the kids have friends over, and for an occasional treat.

Here, I’m going to share with you the Skittles prayer, the M&M prayer, and the Smarties prayer. These are all prayers that you can do with your kids (or youth – this works great with teens and tweens as well) that use whatever kind of colored candy you can get your hands on.

There’s also a gratitude version of the Skittles prayer that you can find here. The gratitude version is excellent for encouraging a habit of thankfulness and for doing with friends who are not in the prayer habit or comfortable with intercessory prayer.

The Skittles Prayer

Grab a bag of Skittles and take turns picking one candy and saying a quick prayer.

You can have one person open with “Dear God, thank you for this time that we get to spend together. We’d like to lift each one of these people and situations up to you in prayer…”

Then have each person pick a candy out of the bag (or bowl) and contribute something to your prayer.

Red: pray for someone you love

Orange: pray for a friend or neighbour

Green: thank God for one good thing in your life

Yellow: pray for a leader or someone in charge

Purple: pray for yourself – something you are sorry for, worried about, or need help with

The M&M Prayer

Grab a bag of M&M’s and take turns picking one candy and saying a quick prayer.

You can have one person open with “Dear God, thank you for this time that we get to spend together. We’d like to lift each one of these people and situations up to you in prayer…”

Then have each person pick a candy out of the bag (or bowl) and contribute something to your prayer.

Red: pray for someone you love

Orange: pray for someone who is sick or hurt or needs healing

Green: thank God for one good thing in your life

Yellow: pray for a leader or someone in charge

Blue: pray for a friend or neighbour

Brown: pray for yourself – something you are sorry for, worried about, or need help with

The Smarties Prayer

Grab a box of Smarties and take turns picking one candy and saying a quick prayer.

You can have one person open with “Dear God, thank you for this time that we get to spend together. We’d like to lift each one of these people and situations up to you in prayer…”

Then have each person pick a candy out of the bag (or bowl) and contribute something to your prayer.

Red: pray for someone you love

Orange: pray for a neighbour

Green: thank God for one good thing in your life

Yellow: prayer for a leader or someone in charge

Blue: pray for a friend

Pink: ask forgiveness for something

Purple: pray for something you are worried about

Brown: ask God for something

Want printable versions of these candy prayers? Subscribe to our newsletter and get access to these and our entire Resource Library for free!

Skittles prayer printable
M&M prayer printable
Smarties prayer printable

7 thoughts on “The Skittles Prayer + Other Candy Prayers for Kids”

  1. I used to have this but apparently lost it. And didn’t save it. I have subscribed quite a few times but I’m not getting the password for the resource library to download it again. It was a huge hit last year and I would love to use it again. None of the emails I have has the password either. Please help so we can continue to enjoy this wonderful resource. Thank you.

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