Keeping a prayer journal is a great way to deepen your conversations with God and to keep track of answered prayers. There are many options for keeping a prayer journal, from simply writing down prayers and thoughts in a blank notebook, to buying a done-for-you prayer journal with templates and prayer prompts.
Here, you’ll find a simple, free prayer journal printable (just one page) that you can use to keep track of your prayer requests and answers.
How to Keep a Prayer Journal
We use a simple prayer journal page as a family to keep track of our prayers and see when and how they are answered. We have this page (see below) thumb tacked onto a bulletin board in our dining room and we record prayer requests as we have them. We also go back and record answers as they come. Some of these prayers are answered quickly and quite dramatically. Some of them seem to go unanswered for a long period of time.

(Pair this printable prayer journal page with a printable gratitude tracker to make your own DIY prayer board.)
Keeping track of your prayer requests and recording answers when they come is a great way to see God’s fingerprints in your life, to keep track of answered prayers, and to see how prayers may get answered in unexpected ways and which prayers seem to go unanswered.
We have noticed that some of our prayers are “short term” prayers and others are “long term” prayers. The “long term” prayers may take weeks or months or sometimes even years to see an answer, and sometimes they are prayers where you simply do not know the answer. (I recorded some prayers for work colleagues who were laid off to find the perfect job, for example, prayers that I will probably never know the answer to because they were not close friends of mine and we are not in touch.)

Free Prayer Journal Printable
This free prayer journal printable is super simple and straightforward. Write down the date of your prayer, what you are praying for, and go back when you have an answer and record whether and how that prayer got answered.
This is perfect for using as a family, at church, or at school. The simple list format lends itself well to having multiple people record short prayer requests and to clearly see when and how their prayers are answered.
Download your free prayer journal printable here.