Bible verse coloring pages are great resources for memorizing Scripture, relaxation, and keeping God’s word close to your heart. Here is a collection of free, printable Bible verse coloring pages for adults, teens, and kids, including floral Bible verse coloring pages, cute coloring sheets, and simple Scripture coloring pages designed specifically for young children.
Download and print as many copies of these printable Bible verse coloring pages as you would like. Use them at home, at church, or at school.
To download the whole set as a free PDF, scroll to the bottom of this post.
*These coloring sheets are for personal and ministry use only. They are not to be used for commercial purposes or re-sale.
How to use these coloring pages:
- color for relaxation and to help with anxiety
- hang the finished pieces around the house, on a bulletin board, on the fridge, etc. to help remind you daily of God’s word
- print multiple copies to share with friends, family, coworkers, etc.
- use in Sunday school or at church with kids and youth
- keep multiple copies at the back of the church if you have a children’s area
- use to compliment a lesson at school or at church

Bible Verse Coloring Pages for Adults
Bible coloring pages are a great way to help you memorize pieces of Scripture, to help with anxiety and relaxation, and to have a creative outlet that also helps you to hide God’s word in your heart. These coloring pages, and many that follow, are perfect for adults and older youth. They feature floral designs or mandalas along with short, inspiring Bible verses.
Matthew 6:33 reminds us of God’s promise of provision: “Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”
Proverbs 3:5 reminds us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” These are great Bible verses to commit to memory to encourage you in hard times.

Cute Bible Verse Coloring Pages
These printable coloring pages feature inspiring and encouraging pieces of Scripture with cute graphics. Esther 4:14 reminds us that “Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.” The Esther coloring page comes with cute and simple floral graphics. Psalm 147:4 reminds us that “[God] determines the number of stars and calls them each by name.” This coloring page come with a variety of stars to color in. What a great reminder that God knows all the details of his creation and lovingly made each (including each of us) for a purpose.

Psalm Coloring Pages
The Psalms are full of encouraging and inspiring Bible verses. These three Psalm coloring pages are some of my own favorite verses that remind us to rely on God even in the hard times.

Bible Verse Coloring Pages for Kids
These Bible verse coloring pages are great for kids of all ages, from preschool to older kids. These feature simple graphics and short pieces of Scripture that are perfect for encouraging children or to use as memory verses. Use these coloring sheets at home, at church, or at school. Choose from “A friend loves at all times”, Proverbs 17:17; “Walk with the wise and become wise,” Proverbs 13:20; and “Let your light shine,” (Matthew 5:16). Print as many copies as you need for use at home, at school, or at church.
Some ideas for how to use these coloring pages include: Use “A friend loves at all times” on Valentine’s Day, use in the classroom or at church and have the kids bring their finished coloring sheets home to hang up, use to compliment a Bible lesson, use to encourage discussion about the company we keep and what it means to shine God’s light in the world.
Want more resources for kids to teach them who God says they are? Check out these Biblical Affirmations for Kids and teach them to affirm their value and God’s purpose for them.

Download the full set of free, printable Bible verse coloring pages as a PDF here.
Wow! These are really beautiful! Sharing!
It is such a blessing to share this to my students!
Thank you and May our Heavenly Father continue to bless you and your family!
i love these and i love how pretty they are, also i love the picture background
Thank you so much. They are beautiful.
Your Bible verse coloring pages are a beautiful thing to share. Thank you
Thanks, Elizabeth! I hope they bring joy to those you share them with.
Thank you very much , very inspiring!
thank you so much! these will be a blessing to the children of New Bethel CME church in Rochester NY
for my friends in nursing homes