Halloween can be a tricky time for Christians. We want to avoid all things associated with the enemies of God, including witchcraft, sorcery, demons, and the like. And we know that the devil would love us to believe, like much of the world does, that none of this stuff is real and therefore can be a harmless subject of fun. But Halloween also offers us an excellent opportunity to be countercultural and to shine the light of Christ in the world and welcome and interact with our neighbors.
Many churches offer alternatives to Halloween like trunk or treat events or harvest festivals. Whatever you do, or don’t do, for Halloween, these cute and free printable Christian Halloween coloring pages can help to make the day brighter for the kids in your life. Use these coloring pages to reinforce Bible verses and teach about how no darkness can overcome the light of Christ.
Download these free printable Christian Halloween coloring pages to use at church, Sunday school, trunk or treat events, harvest festivals, in the classroom, or at home with friends and family.
Use these coloring sheets as Christian Halloween handouts at church or in the classroom to reinforce Bible verses and teach the Gospel. Each page features a cute and friendly character to color and a passage of Scripture about shining God’s light, putting on the armor of God, or Christ being the light who overcomes all darkness.

“Light Your Light Shine” Bible Verse Halloween Coloring Pages
These cute Christian Halloween coloring pages both feature Matthew 5:16, “Let your light shine.” Choose from a cute cat with a pumpkin on her head, or a cute monster with angel wings and a spider friend. Both coloring sheets are intended to be cute and friendly, and to reinforce Bible verses. These are perfect for discussing with kids how they can shine the light of Christ in the world everyday.

Christian Halloween Coloring Pages
These religious Halloween coloring pages are great for using at church, at school, and at home. Reinforce Bible verses, teach children about the armor of God and how God protects us when we rely on him, and about how Jesus is the light of the world and no darkness came overcome the power and the love of God.

Download all of these Christian Halloween coloring pages as one PDF here.
Want more Christian Halloween printables? Download a copy of The Pumpkin Prayer coloring page and bookmarks here and teach about the gospel while carving your pumpkin.