Easy Bible Crafts for Kids
Whether you teach Sunday school, or you want to help your own kids deepen their faith (and keep them off their tablets), these easy Bible crafts for kids are great ways to talk to your kids about God and the Bible

Here are 20 easy Bible crafts that you can pair with stories from Scripture to keep your littles occupied and engaged.
1. Jonah and the Whale
This cute craft doubles as a game (catch the ball in the cup....there's a name for that, isn't there?) Instructions can be found at Meaningful Mama.

2. Doily Sheep Craft
How many sheep stories are there in the Bible? Answer: sooo many! Make this cute doily sheep with your kids and talk about any of them! Instructions can be found at Easy Peasy and Fun.
Some sheep stories: Luke 5:1-7, the parable of the lost sheep; Zechariah 9:16, the Lord will save his people like a shepherd saves his sheep; Luke 2:8-20, angels appear to the shepherds to announce Jesus' birth.
3. Apple Trees
Use this cupcake liner apple tree crafts as a way to talk about the Garden of Eden and the importance of listening to God's instructions. You can find the tutorial for this craft at I Heart Crafty Things.
4. Pinwheel
Creative Bible Study turns this pinwheel into an object lesson for kids. She uses this to talk about how God is near even when we can't see him. (What else can't we see even when it's near? Wind!) Bible verses to go with this simple craft: John 4:24a, Romans 1:20a, Jeremiah 23:24b
5. Christmas Angel
The kids can make these angels at Christmas time (or really anytime). You can find the instructions at I Heart Crafty Things.
6. Make a Joyful Noise Tambourine
Make this easy and adorable tambourine to illustrate Psalm 100 and make your own joyful noise to the Lord. Instructions and template at Catholic Icing.
7. Noah's Ark
Put your favourite animals in Noah's ark. You can get the instructions from Catholic Icing
8. Victory Trumpet
Talk about the book of Joshua and make this super easy victory trumpet. Instructions at Faithsprouts.
9. Paper Cup Angels
These paper cup angels are adorable and pretty simple to make. Get the instructions at Kids' Craft Room.
10. Paper Plate Fish
You can use this cute paper plate fish craft to talk about Jesus calling his disciples to be fishers of people (Matthes 4:19). You can also tell the story of Jesus' miraculous catch of fish (John: 21). Instructions can be found at Natural Beach Living.
11. The Loaves and the Fish
Use this cute craft to tell the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 (John 6:1-14). You can get the instructions at Crafting the Word of God.
12. Prayer Wheel
Teach your kids that they can pray at any time with this clever prayer wheel craft. You can find the tutorial at Crafting the Word of God.
13. Another Jonah and the Whale
This is another cute craft to go along with the story of Jonah. You can have this whale snap his mouth open and closed. (I can just hear it now: "Don't bite your brother with that whale!") You can get the instructions at Out Upon the Waters.
14. Paper Plate Boat
Use this cute craft to tell the story of Jesus calming the storm (Matt 8:23-27). You can find the instructions at I Heart Crafty Things.
15. Noah's Ark from Popsicle Sticks
The kids can turn popsicle sticks into animals for this ark. You can find the instructions at Out Upon the Waters.
16. Yarn Wrapped Rainbow
This yarn wrapped rainbow is easy to make and super cute. You can find the tutorial over at School Time Snippets.
17. Tape Resist Cross
All you need is some markers, crayons, or paint, and some masking tape for this craft. You can find the instructions at The Resourceful Mama.

18. Painted wooden crosses
This cross craft is great for kids to get really creative with paint, markers, glitter, stickers.... Use this craft to teach about Jesus and how we are saved through the cross. Find the instructions (and where to find wooden crosses that you can wear) at Out Upon the Waters.
19. Lost Sheep Puppet
Use this easy lost sheep puppet to talk about how God leaves the 99 to go find the 1 lost sheep (Luke 5:1-7). Instructions and template can be found at Crafting the Word of God.
20. Simple Popsicle Stick Cross
Make this simple cross with popsicle sticks, glue, and buttons. Instructions can be found at Happy Home Fairy.
21. Coffee Filter Flowers
This is a great craft to use to talk about Matthew 6:25-34 ("Do not worry.") or to illustrate day 3 of creation (Genesis 1). You can get the instructions at Fun a Day.

22. Paint Blowing Pentecost Craft
This is a great craft to do during Pentecost. My kids loved this because they got to blow through a straw like maniacs and generally just make a mess. It got the point across, too, about the rushing like wind when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples. Get the instructions at Out Upon the Waters.

23. Noah's Ark with Cheerios.
This is a great preschool and kindergarten craft. (It also doubles as a snack!) Build Noah's ark with Cheerios. Get the instructions at Out Upon the Waters.
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Easy Bible Crafts for Kids in Book Form
You can get some super adorable, easy, and really clever books that are packed full of easy Bible crafts for kids.